Prac Crit

Andrea Brady

Andrea Brady is the author of several books of poems, including Mutability (Seagull, 2012) and Dompteuse (Bookthug, 2013). She teaches Renaissance and contemporary literature at Queen Mary University of London.

Song for Florida 2 by Andrea Brady

[ 1 ] / / You may be called upon / to testifyto your worst fears: / it was a dark and rainy / (setting the scene) / was dark and / (set) / and mangling the apparition can’t be / gated, dog whistles, blocks / these assholes always get the specter of / the elevator, shadow of / grass and ...

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Awake for Ever by Andrea Brady

The turn of the season is like an egg: / or isn’t, though fragile, though precipitously / strong. To notice time / is a challenge not to grieve: / for something is coming of it, / something other than the terminus, / which is the water we drift in, / which is the sun which provokes us, / to ...

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