Prac Crit

Beatrice Garland

Beatrice Garland’s first book of poems is The Invention of Fireworks (Templar, 2013). She has worked as a National Health Service clinician, teacher and researcher in psychological medicine. She won the National Poetry Competition in 2001.

Aftermath by Beatrice Garland

I / / Finally the search is declared closed. / The brilliant lights yellow and expire, / / the mechanical diggers fall quiet, / folding awkwardly upon themselves, / / touching their knuckles gently to the rubble – / old beasts preparing for the winter sleep. / / Beneath the crossed gi...

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The Academy of New Words by Beatrice Garland

In the beginning the language worked well: / named the body, spoke of birth / and love and death, the vigorous need for moving on. / / Look, not so different from the old country after all – / terraces gone wild, narrow fields, / the trickle of water that could become a river. / / We can m...

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