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Dorothea Lasky

Dorothea Lasky is the author of four books, most recently Rome (W.W. Norton / Liveright, 2014). She is currently an Assistant Professor of Poetry at Columbia University's School of the Arts and lives in New York City.

Toast to My Friend or Why Friendship Is the Best Kind of Love by Dorothea Lasky

Laura, Laura I am sad for you / But more than that I am sad for me / And when I make a toast to you / I make a toast to me, my friend. / Here on the front porches of our lives, / I toast to you, with goblet raised. / And the house of our lives too, glittering / With decay. And the fatish ghos...

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Save Your Flowers by Dorothea Lasky

Save your congratulations and your flowers / My baby is sunbathing on the moon / And with the eternal blue light she glows / In her clear house, with shutters / Save your kind regards, and visits / With doughnuts and kisses / Save your little nothings that amount to nothing / Save it save it ...

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