Prac Crit

Jorie Graham

Jorie Graham is the author of twelve collections of poems. Her poetry, widely translated, has been the recipient of numerous awards, among them the Pulitzer Prize, the Forward Prize (UK), and the International Nonino Prize. She lives in Massachusetts and teaches at Harvard University.

Cryo by Jorie Graham

/ / / / Now they say you are ready for a long stilling voyage. Is it further into nature. A life / of make believe. I have no idea what is retained. What is here is certainly not there. / The bad news became apparent too late. The day became all one day and was done. / We got rid of the c...

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Honeycomb by Jorie Graham

/ / / / Ode to Prism. Aria. Untitled. Wait. I wait. Have you found me yet. Here at my screen, / can you make me / out? Make me out. All other exits have been sealed. See me or we will both vanish. / We need emblematic subjectivities. Need targeted acquiescence. Time zones. This is / the ...

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