Prac Crit

Luke Kennard

Luke Kennard is the author of five volumes of poetry including the Forward-shortlisted The Harbour Beyond the Movie. His fifth collection, Cain, will be published by Penned in the Margins in June and his first novel, The Transition, is due from 4th Estate, Spring 2017.

The Dusty Era by Luke Kennard

One day he was walking behind her with several colleagues / from the Embassy when the hairgrip fell out of her hair / (bronze, decorated with three parrots) and clattered to the / pavement. It was Stockholm, and high winter. She was deep / in conversation with a girlfriend and didn't hear. His c...

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Cain Reverses Time by Luke Kennard

Cain’s beard grows into Euclidean space: / its anchors catch on every form and drag them back. / He is a camera capacious enough to film the entire world / forever, and then rewound to unmake every wound. / I wait for it to stop once I am reunited with my family, / I fall asleep with my hand on...

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